Friday, November 1, 2013

Hello November

ELA: We are excited to start a new book next week, Eagle Song. We will be working on the following learning targets:
  • I can connect what I already know about the Iroquois to the ideas in the beginning of Eagle Song.
  • I can discuss answers to questions with my group and provide evidence to explain my ideas.
Math: We will continue our work with tape diagrams:
  • I can create and solve multi-step word problems from given tape diagrams and equations.
  • I can use place value understanding to add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm and apply the algorithm to solve word problems using tape diagrams.
Thank you to Kaydin's, Aidan's, and Abby's families for donating snacks and/or supplies. Thank you to Dominic's family for sharing his new baby brother. Thank you to Kaydin's and Dominic's family for helping us set up for our Halloween party. Thank you to everyone for sharing your wonderful children with us everyday!
Please call the main office to sign-up for a conference!

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