Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This Class is Buzzing about Books!

Click on the comments to see what the buzz is all about!


  1. Frindle by Andrew Clements.

    Frindle is about a boy named Nick Allen. Nick made up the word frindle. A scene in Frindle is having a ton of people stay after school to write 100 sentences. I like this book because Clements wrote great sentences and he drew really well. The book was also really good.

  2. I love the book, So B It. It is by Sarah Weeks. So B It about a girl named Heidi, her mom, and her neighbor Bernadette. Heidi's mom is the big problem and focuspoint. She is not like what you would imagine a mom to be like. She only knows twenty-three words and doesn't do much. All the words she knows are regular like hot, much, and good except one, SOOF. What does soof mean? Bernadette wants to know. Heidi wants to know. And the only one who knows is Heidi's mom.

    When Heidi starts wondering too hard she sets off on a journey of a lifetime to find out.One that she will never forget.

  3. Brian said...
    I read WHERE YOUR FAMILY COME FROM? A BOOK ABOUT IMMIGRANTS by Mevisa and Alice Burg and it is about these older kids that are immigrants and citzen. They past a test called Naturalization test.So they talked about their life as a citzen and a immigrants

  4. In the book titled The Penderwicks by,Jeanne Birdsall a family of five and four out of five of them are girls and then the fith is the dad, they go on a trip and meet a boy named Jeffery who lives across the street and his mom is engaged with a man named Dexter. Dexter wants to Jeffery to military school. The four sisters have not had a good start with Jeffery's mom so when the try to tell her that Jefery doesn't want to go to military school she won't listin to them. I liked this book and I thought that Jeanne Birdsall did a really good job on discribing so I knew what was happening.

  5. I am buzzing about the book Wringer by Jerry Spinelli, this book is about a boy who is a Wringer and he does not want be a Wringer because what Wringers do is when a man shoots a bird and it is not dead the boy would have to Wring it to fininsh it off this book is a good book and I think you should read it.

  6. I'm going to buzz about Hoot It's by Carl Hiaasen. It's abut a boy named Roy that gets bullied. One day this boy pushed Roy against the window and Roy saw a mysterious boy with no shoes. When Roy got off he followed the mystereous boy. Both of them found owls that were about to die from construction and Roy, his friends, and the new boy have quite the adventure. I love this book because I love the authur and it was a great book.

  7. So this kid gets kicked off the school newspaper so he plays a joke on the editor in chief.He sticks a secret letter in the newspaper.But some how his mesage gets screwed up.And now hes getting calls.Strange calls.From kids who say they are creeps!

    Title:calling all creeps Auther:RL Stine

  8. I racmend this book Diary of a Wimpy Kid because it is not very serious. The book is funny because the kid is negtorey and perdicts wrong. The book is by Jeff Kinny.

  9. I am buzzing about a book called Missing by Catherine Macphail. This book is about a girl whos brother runs away and then later they get a phone call saying that he is dead. This book is a mystery and filled with emotion. You should TOTALLY read this book.

  10. I am buzzing about the book Goosed! by, Bill Wallace. T.P. and Mocha, two dogs, are never getting along. Mocha is asking T.P. these questions that he doesn't like and she constantly. Later T.P. figures out a way to make Mocha stop bothering him. In the last chapter of the book T.P and Mocha go for a walk to the lake, one of them gets goosed, and the whole story changes.

  11. I am buzzing about The Landry News by Andrew Clements. It is about a girl named Cara Landry who makes a newspaper, the Landry News. The principal tried to use it to get rid of Mr. Larson, Cara's teacher. Through it all, the kids in Mr. Larson's class learn about the value of freedom of the press. I love this book because I love the characters.

  12. The title of this book is Tough To Tackle by Matt Christopher. It is about a kid named Boots and his brother is in the army and he signed up for football. He wants to play quarterback but he is to heavy. He wants to quit but his brother says don't. I like when his friend says you have to try harder. I like that because I am a football player and thats what my dad says even if I do it perfectly. This book matters to me becauseit was really good in my opinion.

  13. The book we are reading is Mercy Watson to the Rescue by Kate Dicamillo the book is good to read. The book is fuuny because her owners are falling through the flore she is supposed to get help but she gets tost with buter. We liked the book because it is good and it is our level.

  14. My book buzz is about So B. It, by Sarah Weeks. Its about a girl named Hedi who's mom only knows twenty-three words and is mentally retarded. I loved this book because Hedi's need to know gets the best of her so she goes on a bus to New York which wouldn't be a big deal if she was 18 or older but she's only 12 so she has to pretend some random women is her momma and thats why I think it's really good, because she's super nrae. I would recomend this to anybody!!

  15. My book is about a kid who goes to her grandma house in the summer.But her grandma isn`t making her famous pancaces.And her grandpa isn`t telling scary stories any more.And shes pretty shore she saw the new scarecrow move. it`s time to solve one of the greates`t misterys in her life!
    title:the scarecrow walks at midnite auther:RLstine

  16. I am buzzing about the first book of te Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling. Harry is a young, kid who is really a wizard but he does not know until Hagrid a professer at Hogwarts the school of witch craft and wizardry, comes and anonnces it to Harry. Harry has many exciting adventures along the way to becoming a great wizard. You have to read this very exciting adventure, and fantasy book now!

  17. I'm buzzing about the book So B. It. So B. It is by Sarah Weeks. The book is about a girl named Heidi, Heidi's mom only knows twenty three words because she is mentally disabled. It's also about Heidi going on an adventure to find out about the word soof. Since Heidi's mom is disabled they live with someone named Bernadette. This book is not only for girls it's for both boys and girls. I recomend this book and if you decide to read it I hope you too would too.
