Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday News

Next week:

  •  We will introduce the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. In preperation we have been making "Mercy Watson" piggy banks! We will save our money in the piggy banks and take them home at the end of the unit.
  • We will continue our Math Movement with guest teacher Ms. Suzy.
  • We will continue discussing three ways to write words during writing workshop:
    • Write sight words, "In a Snap"
    • Write wordwall words by copying them from the board
    • Stretch out unknown words and write down the sounds you hear
  • Weather permitting we will begin looking at shadows from the perspective of the observer, the object, the surface, and the light source.
  • We met our fourth grade buddies in Mr. O's class. Next week we will write a letter to our new fourth grade buddies!

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