Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Holidays!

We are learning about winter holidays. Please tell us about your holiday traditions by commenting on this post! You can also watch a video about how children celebrate their winter holiday!

1 comment:

  1. The Winter Holidays are a fun time in the Reynolds house. We're a multi-denominational family, so we hand out Christmas, Hanukkah AND Winter gifts. We spend Christmas Eve with Mom's side of the family at Nana and Papa's house on Eastlake. Papa spends the day cooking and we eat an 8pm dinner with all of the extended family--our Aunts and Uncles come in from Manhattan, Albany and Boston and we spend several hours opening gifts and generally being merry.

    When we get back home--Jared and Hayden go off to bed and Mom and Dad stay up until midnight and open their gifts--it is a late night for Mom and Dad.

    After we open gifts on Christmas morning, we go to Dad's side of the family--at Aunt Tonya's house, we feed the animals, open gifts and EAT!!!

    The Reynolds Clan always try to take in a movie on the evening of Christmas--its the one time during the day when we can just relax and enjoy each other's company.

    Happy Holidays!
