Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Would you like to volunteer?

I am looking for volunteers.
I could use a grown-up to:
*handle our scholastic book orders
*buy snacks for school parties (3 separate positions available)
*share a talent or family tradition with the class

Please comment at the bottom of this post if you are interested in one of the volunteer positions.


  1. You can count The Reynolds Clan in. We're happy to help with the scholastic book order and/or snacks for parties.

    Walker and Tonya

  2. Thank you so much! I will put you down for book orders for now. If we so not get enough volunteers for the snacks I will let you know.

    In other news...Do you have an extra blue gap coat at your house? There seems to be some coat switching in the room :-)

    The After School Program starts at noon tomorrow!

  3. I will be happy to serve as a parent that will purchase snacks for classroom parties. - Cristina Moyer

  4. Hi there! I can buy party supplies, or I can certainly do book orders too. Not sure my family has any "special" talents but we can share whatever we can! -Lori Crandall

  5. Thank you so much for the speedy replies! Wow. I will put Cristina and Lori down for a party buyer each. I need to check our funds, decide how much money to allocate to each party, sign-up one more buyer, and then we are all set. Thank you for all of your help and keeping up with the class blog!

  6. Sounds great! If possible, I would love to take care of Halloween....I am taking that day off special to come to the parade, so I would be free to drop off supplies, etc. on this day. If that doesn't work out though I could certainly help with a different party.

  7. Hello, I can help with party supplies and or help with scholastic book orders. Whichever is needed. Lindsay (Wiley's mom)

  8. Hi, I would also love to help with any supplies or whatever is needed! Let me know what you need me to do! Thanks! Traci (Hayden's mom)
