Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sciencenter Fieldtrip Rescheduled!

Our Fieldtrip to the Sciencenter has been rescheduled for Tuesday, March 3. We will be at the Sciencenter from 10am to 1pm. We will keep the origianl plans for school vs. home lunches unless you inform us of a change. Please let me know if you can join us!


  1. Hello Ms Martindale,

    I unfortunately will not be able to attend the outing to the Sciencenter

    I am wondering, however, where we are suppose to sign up for conferences. I looked all through Jaden's papers and did not see anything...was it on a sheet by itself? If that is the case it is very possible it got misplaced.

    Just wondering,
    Jen Demarest

  2. Jen,

    I know we got this figured out but for anyone else, the sign-ups went home last week. I now realize I should have sent them home two weeks ago!

    There is also a sign-up outside of the classroom.

