Monday, February 14, 2011

This Week's Homework

Instead of the traditional homework this week:
  1. Finish and bring in your book report
  2. Bring home your Unit 6 math assessment
  3. Do corrections on your assessment for extra credit

1 comment:

  1. A Haunting in Williamsburg by Lou Kassem

    I read A Haunting In Willamsburg by Lou Kassem. Jayne lives in Californa as a 13 year old girl. While Jayne's parents are away Jayne goes to Williamsburg to stay with her aunt Liz. Little did Jayne know her aunt Liz lives in a colonel times home. I think you shold read this book because if you like mystery you're in for a real treat. This book can get a little scary but not the whole book only some parts.
