Friday, April 29, 2011

A Concert for Children and Families

Please join the Family Reading Partnership and our star lineup of musical friends as we present..

Celebrating Community
with Songs and Stories
A Concert for Children and Families

Saturday, April 30th
1-3 pm
Free Admission!

Kulp Auditorium in the
Ithaca High School Performing Arts Center
1401 N. Cayuga Street

Featuring Special Performances by...

Read-Along Songs and Read-Along Songs for Understanding
with John Simon and Cal Walker

The Love Those Letters Kids
from the "Love Those Letters" DVD

Vitamin L Chorus

CUMEP (Community Unity Music Education Program)

Folk Musician Judy Stock

Test Week

There is no homework during testing. Students should be eating well and getting plenty of rest. Students must arrive on time to school as the testing begins promptly at 9am. Tardy students will remain in the main office during test time and take the test on a make-up day.

Date Change

The district site and the classroom blog have been posting the ELA test dates as May 4th-May 6th. This is incorrect. The ELA test will be administered May 3rd- May 5th.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


will be showing at Cinemapolis (one show only!) on *Saturday, April 16th, at noon*. The co-director of the film, Helen De Michiel, will be on hand to introduce the documentary and to discuss it afterwards. Other special guests are Julie Jordan(legendary local vegetarian chef) and Dr. Stewart Auyash (Ithaca College Public Health professor). The LUNCH LOVE COMMUNITY documentary project explores the grassroots development of the nationally-renowned school lunch program in the Berkeley (CA) Unified School District. A decade in the making, this healthy food program is the baby of a diverse group of visionaries--parents, educators, cooks, and policymakers-- who all worked together to change the lunch system in Berkeley, because it wasn't working for children. Come & be inspired by LUNCH LOVE COMMUNITY! Enjoy a close-up look at the school lunch reform movement! */INFO: Lunch Love Community (A Documentary) Cinemapolis (as part of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival) Saturday, 4/16 @ noon/* /*FOR FURTHER INFO:*/