Friday, May 28, 2010

Reader's Theatre

Half of the class preformed their play for our fourth grade buddies. The other half will preform next week. Please ask your student about the play and how she or he knows when it is her or his turn to read.

We Love Swimming!

The kids did a great job today. Ms. H. taught us to hold our breath, blow bubbles, and float. It looked like so much fun that I will join them in the pool Tuesday. Ms. H. would like our kids to practice in the bathtub.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pool Time is Coming!

We will begin swimming on Thursday May 27th. We will have 14 days of swim lessons. Parents will be invited to observe one of the swim lessons. I will let you know about that date when it is finalized. Students will use school provided towels and suits during swim lessons. I am so glad we will have the opporunity to swim and walk during the warmer part of the year. Please feel free to e-mail me, with any concerns about the swimming program.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Reading at Home

We have been working on using decoding strategies when we stumble upon a difficult word. We use the easiest strategy first becouse reading is fun!
  1. Look at the picture
  2. Skip the word
  3. Use the beginning sound
  4. Chunk the word (look for pieces you do know)
  5. Stretch the word by saying each sound
Always reread to check that you have it right!

We will have a substitute teacher on Monday.

I will be out on Monday for next year's class placement. Our sub will be Miss M.

May 20th is the Art Show!

Friday, May 7, 2010

It is so ncie to be back!

I'm so glad to be back in the classroom after three days of Kindergarten screening. Miss M. was a great sub and she will be back with us on May 17th while I am working on class placements for next year.

Baggie books have not been coming home regularly for the past few weeks as our schedules have been interupted. Please look for baggie books to pick up again over the next few weeks.

We are beginning our plant and seed unit this week. We will be discussing how plant lifecycles are related to other lifecycles we have studied.

The kids have been busy this week! Be sure to unpack backpacks by Sunday!!