Monday, November 30, 2009

It is COLD Out!

Please send your child to school in warm layers. As we are tilted away from the sun, recess is so cold!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Next Week is Letter A Week!

We Explored Owl Pellets!

Ask your student about the real owl pellets and then check out our virtual owl pellets!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Next Week is Gray Week!

We will be studying the letter "G" during gray week!

Friday November 20, 2009

Please join us for our Thanksgiving Feast. Our class will meet at 10:31 am going into the gym through the double doors on the front left. Please return your ticket orders and money ASAP.

Picture Retakes Wenesday November 18

School Photo Make-up & Retakes will be Wednesday, November 18. If your child needs an envelope they are in the main office.
If any of your child’s picture packetm is not correct please call:

Ken Whitman (sales rep).
607-797-5907 ext. 113
800-852-0674 ext. 113

Friday, November 6, 2009

"N" Week starts on November 9th!

This week we will focus on the letter "N" and the color brown. Please wear brown on Thursday November 11th as we do not have school this Wednesday. We will also discuss end sounds while reading about dragons.